Hello everyone,
This is Ying from datadice. Here are this week's most interesting tweets, which include the topics:
Which food is better for the planet?
Scatterplot of animals
Visualizing the Evolution of the Alphabet
A Visual Guide to Human Emotion
Range of Cats
Cats are nocturnal animal
Tree of Life
NYC pizza slice 🍕
Enjoy your reading and share your thoughts with us!

NEW: Which food is better for the planet? Beef or pork? Salmon or cod? Rice or potatoes?
Interactive with @NaemaAhmed @ssdance and @Ducroquet. Threading some interesting results below:

ET log/log ghostgrid of animals,
log Y=brain mass, log X=body mass
log-log slope = %/% = "elasticity" in economics
plotdots = animal drawings, 8 prankish funny like Matisse fishbowl
ET, Seeing with Fresh Eyes: Meaning Space Data Truth
#dataviz #visualization #data #rstats

Edward Tufte @EdwardTufte

From Greek to Latin: Visualizing the Evolution of the Alphabet ✍️

A Visual Guide to Human Emotion 🙌
From @JuntoInst - tap the link below to learn more:

#TidyTuesday | Week 5 | Pets Cats UK
Calculated the distance between the farthest two points from the cat-tracking GPS sensor data for each cat and plotted a distribution of sorts. They don't really go very far.
code: github.com/curatedmess/Ti…
#rstats #dataviz

For this week's #TidyTuesday we used data on cat's movement.
101 cats in the UK were equipped with a GSP and observations were recorded as part of a citizen science project
Background image - #Midjouney
#r4ds #tidyverse #RStats #DataViz #TidyTuesday

⚠ New Viz Alert!
I explored the life expectancy of different countries around the world.
Thank you @_CJMayes for the chord thingy. It's a bit on the slower side, any tips to improve performance?
Feedback is appreciated.
➡ Link: tabsoft.co/3jbUn4k
#datafam #dataviz

Be careful before opening: this week’s #MakeoverMonday might make you hungry! Over 400 pizza slices squeezed into one #dataviz 🍕🤤
#datafam #tableau @tableaupublic

Thank you for taking the time to read our Newsletter and happy weekend!