Hello everyone,
This is Ying from datadice. Here are this week's most interesting tweets, which include the topics:
Settlement development in Spain from 1900 to 2020
Numbats sightings in Australia
Total page size for a multi-visualization dashboard
PhysiCell model of (spontaneously assembling) fibres with linear and angular springs
What's the highest-earning Hollywood movie?
The World’s Biggest Rice Producers
Eight years of online dating as a 31-year-old man who started at age 23
Enjoy your reading and share your thoughts with us!
Settlement development in Spain from 1900 to 2020. Impressive change in the last 120 years. This animation is based on our new high-resolution dataset, already available as a preprint 👉essd.copernicus.org/preprints/essd…
#rstats #opendata #dataviz
Here we go for this week #TidyTuesday about numbats in Australia.
I visualize the sightings by data resource.
HD graphic and #RStats code: github.com/AbdoulMa/TidyT…
#r4ds #tidyverse #dataviz
@Datawrapper introduced a new method to embed charts as web components.
It's an alternative to iFrames.
One key aspect:
Charts embedded this way load faster.
Specifically, if you have multiple charts on one page - e.g. for a #dashboard or reporting about election results.
The ECM meeting at @cecamEvents organized by @robynshutt and @CicelyKrystyna has been just fantastic!
Our team made a @PhysiCell model of (spontaneously assembling) fibers with linear and angular springs. Automatic cross links, and good possibilities for ECM and MMP work later!
Eight years of online dating as a 31-year-old man who started at age 23
📈 reddit.com/r/dataisbeauti… #dataviz
Thank you for taking the time to read our Newsletter and happy weekend!